What is
World Pancreatic
Cancer Day?

it’s about time.
It’s about time you got to know your pancreas better.
For you.
For your loved ones.
It’s about time you learned the risks and symptoms.
It’s about time you talked to your family about this disease.
It’s about time.
On World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2022, take time. Make a difference.

Register for the 2022 WPCD Facebook Event
Join all of us around the world to raise awareness for the fight against the world’s toughest cancer. The World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition, consisting of more than 100 organizations from over 40 countries and six continents, is here to help. We are elevating global awareness, inspiring action, bringing greater attention, advocacy, and better outcomes to this deadly disease. Last year, with your support, we collected stories from pancreatic cancer survivors, family and friends to help raise awareness for a disease that desperately needs more attention and progress to help patients fight and survive.