
My Story is about No Symptoms


This event took place from 17 May 2020 to 7 September 2020


The Discovery

By a 2nd biopsy


This is My Story

I feel the nhs let us down badly, It was so quick and such a shock. I seriously think that once they decided it was pancreatitis they ever looked back on his notes to see that cancer had been diagnosed 10 weeks earlier. I would never trust the hospital again. I also think that your campaign to recognise symptoms isn’t always true as my husband had none till too late.


The Impact of Time

My husband was a fit & healthy man of 66. Just retired, having never had a day of work through illness. We had just been on a 6 weeks fabulous, on the go holiday to New Zealand.

5 weeks after returning on the Sunday morning my husband didn’t get out of bed as he said he hadn’t slept very well due to a feeling of an upset stomach.. We had been married for 43 yrs and I had never know him not to get up.

He got up after a few hours and tried to go to the toilet and couldn’t, so went back to bed.

I made an appointment to get a covid check, as it was while in lock down. We went the next day. (Monday) He still wasn’t feel great. He went back to bed soon as we got home. one minute really warm then cold.. still hadn’t eaten anything since the Saturday night.

At 11 pm he started having a rigor.( shaking uncontrollably) I didn’t know what it was at the time. I dialled 999 The paramedics came and took him to hospital. They did a blood test and told him he had a marker on his liver?

He had a ct scan later that morning. We were told that he had a tumour on his pancreas and that it was cancer. The next day they change their minds and said it was pancreatitis. I did a lot of research, and he hadn’t had any of the symptoms for that.. but who am I to know.. He then spent the next 10 weeks in and out of hospital because of rigors because of an infection they said they couldn’t find. He was pumped full of antibiotics every time then sent home. He was loosing so much weight as he couldn’t eat. He had a stent fitted in his bile duct as they said it was narrowed, and a biopsy that came back negative I finally demanded that he had more tests as he was going downhill. They did another ct scan which now showed new lesions on his liver and another biopsy that came back positive. We were told it was terminal but he could have chemotherapy to extend his life up to a year. He never got the chemo as he died 6 weeks later. He wasn’t over weight, only smoked in his younger years having been stopped nearly 35 yrs. and was only a social drinker. He started with high blood pressure at 60 and was on one tablet for that.