Member Profile: DOBSLO

Our Story

Their story started in 1986, when the Cancer Patients’ Association of Slovenia (DOBSLO) was launched, first as assistance to women struck with breast cancer. They were granted total support during the time of illness and healing.

First the specially trained volunteers were offering face to face peer counseling while visiting the patients at the hospitals. Later on within the DOBSLO special groups were formed, where people gathered once a month under the guidance of oncological psychotherapist. While the first group started in the capital, many other followed all over the country.  And as the organization became an umbrella institution operating at the national level, it took under its wings patients with all kind of cancers.

Today main areas of focus still remain individual patients peer counseling by specially trained volunteers and support groups for patients with all kind of cancers, guided by professional assistance. At the Covid time on-line groups were formed and they still persist for the patients who are too sick to attend the groups meetings or who are far away from any DOBSLO center.

Next they have been developing an important publishing activity. Twice a year they issue a special magazine called Okno (meaning Window), intended for general and professional readers.

They have been publishing booklets for different kind of cancers including descriptions of various forms of every specific cancer, various methods of treatments and medication and a couple of the surviving patient’s stories.

Also are being published numerous leaflets about cancers.

An interactive website has been formed with all kind of information about cancers, like how to reduce the risks, early diagnostics, treatment information, video patients’ cases presentations, guided meditations, to name just e few.

Another important activity of our organization is encouraging people to participate in the cancer screening state programs.

The WPCC can assist us with providing information of the most recent clinical studies, new medication or treatment methods about pancreatic cancer. Or like WPCC used to do, organize live meetings where they got precious information from eminent doctors (like unforgettable patient’s presentation in Montreal – almost science fiction), where they got a lot of specific knowledge on nutrition, practical knowledge on how to deal with media for advocacy and many other professional (practical) skills every society like our own should acquire or/and update.

And of course meeting people from all over the world was priceless, exchanging precious information in formal and informal face to face discussions.

To learn more about the DOBSLO, visit their Member Page