Edgerton.Life Pancreatic Cancer Foundation


Michael Wm. Coleman



The Team Lopez Foundation was incorporated in memory of Alex Lopez who was tragically lost to pancreatic Cancer. Our mission to honour Alex’s legacy is to raise funds for Pancreatic Cancer Research. We have established with Sydney University the Alex Lopez PhD Scholarship in Pancreatic Cancer. The scholarship named in loving memory of Alex, plays a pivotal role in attracting talented PhD students from around the world to improve the survival rates of pancreatic cancer patients. Over the last 15 years, University of Sydney clinicians based in their teaching hospital on the Royal North Shore campus, have become leaders in treating pancreatic cancer. Patients treated by their team survive almost twice as long after diagnosis compared to the average Australian pancreatic cancer patient treated elsewhere. At the University of Sydney, as part of the Kolling Institute at the Royal North Shore Hospital, provides the research foundations that the team refine into best practice.



  • Raising public awareness about pancreatic cancer
  • Offering volunteer opportunities
  • Participating in advocacy and policy
  • Organizing fundraising events
  • Funding pancreatic cancer research projects
  • Providing support services for patients and/or their families
  • Offering financial support
  • Offering pancreatic cancer educational services


  • Pancreatic Cancer


  • USA

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