Our Story

PCANZ was founded in 2019, after their founder lost their Dad to pancreatic cancer.


The main areas of focus for PCANZ is support, education, awareness and fundraising.

Currently, PCANZ is helping to support the Gut Cancer Foundation in fundraising towards clinical studies, as well as research by the ASPERT team in pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy.

The WPCC can help support PCANZ by helping to raise their profile, as they are too small to pay for SEO and so there are many people in New Zealand who have no idea that PCANZ exists

They are looking forward its 5th birthday this year, and so they want to make the PCAM in November the biggest one yet, and raise as much money as possible towards their cause. New Zealand’s survival stats are extremely poor compared to the rest of the world, and so putting NZ on the global map would be super helpful.

To learn more about the Pancreatic Cancer Aotearoa New Zealand (PCANZ), visit their Member Page