My Story is about My beautiful Sister Cindy Rowland
This event took place from 09/04/2015 to 11/11/2015
The Discovery
My sister was working out of State. Her side had been giving her some discomfort. But, she wanted to wait to see a doctor back home in October. Her shoulder was hurting from an injury from a fall. She went to ER thinking that they could give her cortisone or something. They did blood work. Then more test. Diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer and Liver Cancer.
She flew home. Had 2 chemo treatments but never left the hospital after second round.
I stayed by her bedside 5 weeks. She was such a good and healthy woman always. She was my mentor. I was her shadow. She took her last breath at 5:15a.m.11-11-2015. A wonderful life senseless ended. She had so many friends, family and co-workers who loved and adored her.
The world is a little less bright without her constant smile. Pancreatic Cancer sucks!
This is My Story
I would have traded my life for hers. I even begged God to take me not her. She was just 53 years old. She had a family that needed her. Since, her death 3 grandchildren have been born. Never to feel their Mimi holding them or singing to them in her beautiful voice.
I stayed in my house for 2 years pretty much after her death. Family members moved away. Holidays stopped. She was the glue that held our family together ❤️
The Impact of Time
We got robbed. She lived less than 2 months after diagnosis. I was so angry. Am.
My outlook on time after she died? She deserved so much more.