Our Story

PCANZ was founded in 2019, after their founder lost their Dad to pancreatic cancer.


The main areas of focus for PCANZ is support, education, awareness and fundraising.

Currently, PCANZ is helping to support the Gut Cancer Foundation in fundraising towards clinical studies, as well as research by the ASPERT team in pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy.

The WPCC can help support PCANZ by helping to raise their profile, as they are too small to pay for SEO and so there are many people in New Zealand who have no idea that PCANZ exists

They are looking forward its 5th birthday this year, and so they want to make the PCAM in November the biggest one yet, and raise as much money as possible towards their cause. New Zealand’s survival stats are extremely poor compared to the rest of the world, and so putting NZ on the global map would be super helpful.

To learn more about the Pancreatic Cancer Aotearoa New Zealand (PCANZ), visit their Member Page


Our Story

The Arbeitskreis der Pankreatektomierten e. V. (AdP) was founded in 1976 by patients in Heidelberg and has been a registered association since 1979. The AdP is headquartered in Bonn. The AdP will therefore soon be celebrating its 50th anniversary. The non-profit organization is comprehensively supported by the Deutsche Krebshilfe (DKH) foundation. The patron of the AdP is Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer.

Doctors from all specialties and nutritional therapists have supported the AdP e.V. since its inception. The association has around 1,500 members in 60 regional groups, making the AdP the largest association for pancreatic cancer sufferers in Germany and its neighboring countries.

The aim of the AdP is to promote the health and rehabilitation of partially and totally pancreatectomized as well as non-operated pancreatic patients, with a special focus on cancer patients and their relatives. Every year, more than 21,000 people in Germany are diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor. The trend is clearly rising.

Education about pancreatic cancer

Information campaigns: Through targeted information campaigns on social media, on their website and in the local press, they can raise awareness of the symptoms and severity of pancreatic cancer.

Events: We are planning information evenings and workshops to engage directly with the public and pass on important information.

Greater public awareness

Media presence: They rely on press releases, interviews and articles in renowned media to draw attention to their cause.

Partnerships: By partnering with other health organizations and local associations, they can expand their reach and reach more people.

Promotion of research

Research collaborations: They work closely with universities and hospitals to support and advance innovative research projects.

Publicizing the risks

Prevention programs: They provide information on risk factors such as smoking, obesity and genetic disposition and emphasize the importance of early detection.

Educational materials: They provide easily accessible information on prevention and early detection through brochures, flyers and online resources.

Ongoing Projects

The AdP has been an established part of the spectrum of self-help groups in Germany for years. The content, the self-help of those affected by pancreatic cancer, requires a particularly sophisticated approach due to the very specific expertise required in dealing with pancreatic diseases and secondary conditions during the course of the disease or in the course of surgical treatment, for example.

The necessity and growing importance are clearly reflected in the almost 50 years of existence and constantly expanding profile of AdP’s work.

As a self-help organization for pancreatic cancer patients, it is their goal to provide more information about the serious diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, to achieve greater public awareness, to promote more research into the diagnosis of cancer and to make the risks of pancreatic cancer better known. They firmly believe that these measures can not only improve the quality of life of those affected, but also increase the general health literacy of the population. Together we can make a difference and better overcome the challenges of pancreatic cancer.

The WPCC already supports their goals. It is important that their goals are also pursued and supported internationally. The WPCC does this very well. As their activities are currently limited to German-speaking countries, the WPCC is their hope that their goals will also be coordinated and supported internationally.

They look forward to organizing World Pancreatic Cancer Day with the WPCC again in 2025, as they have done every year since the founding of the WPCC and their membership of this important international organization, to try to raise awareness of this serious disease.

To learn more about the Arbeitskreis der Pankreatektomierten e. V. (AdP), visit their Member Page

Our Story
Established in 1998 from a need for better treatment options and outcomes for pancreatic cancer patients and their families, the Lustgarten Foundation continues to accelerate groundbreaking discoveries in understanding, detecting, and treating pancreatic cancer.

The Lustgarten Foundation is the largest private funder of pancreatic cancer research in the world. To date, the foundation has invested more than $282M in high-risk, high-reward research to accelerate and expand life-saving treatment options. Lustgarten boasts a unique, collaborative, science-focused strategy and has been a driving force in every major advancement in pancreatic cancer research for 26 years.

Ongoing Projects

The foundation currently funds 58 active research grants across 33 institutions, progressing the best science to transform pancreatic cancer into a curable disease.
The Lustgarten Foundation has been a proud member of the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition since its inception, firmly believing that we can make a more profound impact together.
Learn more about the Lustgarten Foundation at www.Lustgarten.org or on social media (@LustgartenFDN).

To learn more about the Lustgarten Foundation, visit their Member Page


Our Story

PCANZ was founded in 2019, after their founder lost their Dad to pancreatic cancer.


The main areas of focus for PCANZ is support, education, awareness and fundraising.

Currently, PCANZ is helping to support the Gut Cancer Foundation in fundraising towards clinical studies, as well as research by the ASPERT team in pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy.

The WPCC can help support PCANZ by helping to raise their profile, as they are too small to pay for SEO and so there are many people in New Zealand who have no idea that PCANZ exists

They are looking forward its 5th birthday this year, and so they want to make the PCAM in November the biggest one yet, and raise as much money as possible towards their cause. New Zealand’s survival stats are extremely poor compared to the rest of the world, and so putting NZ on the global map would be super helpful.

To learn more about the Pancreatic Cancer Aotearoa New Zealand (PCANZ), visit their Member Page