For the fifth consecutive year, the Pancreatic Cancer Association (ACANPAN) and the Spanish Pancreatology Association (AESPANC) announce the Carmen Delgado / Miguel Pérez-Mateo Research Grants against pancreatic cancer.
Asociacià ³n Cà ¡ncer de Pà ¡ncreas is the first Spanish association dedicated exclusively to Pancreatic Cancer. ACANPAN was founded in January 2015 from the experience of two patients, Carmen and Olga, who were determined to ensure that this disease diagnosis ceases to be a lifelong battle. This association promotes activities that encourage Pancreatic Cancer research and informs and supports patients and their families. ACANPAN is an open door to all patients, relatives of patients, doctors, researchers, nutritionists, psychologists, and all others related to this disease. All members of this association are volunteers who collaborate in their free time to help support this global cause.
The bulk of their funds go to research against Pancreatic Cancer through the different grants they award each year. In Spain, only 2% of official grants are allocated to researching pancreatic cancer. For this reason, ACANPAN (Pancreas Cancer Association) and AESPANC (Spanish Pancreatology Association), with the support of multiple small and large sponsors and the efforts of many volunteers, carried out the initiative of a City Race to obtain funds for the research against pancreatic cancer.
This year, they are offering two grants of 97.500€ for clinical and basic research projects. Grantees, will be selected among the 43 projects submitted by the most prestigious Spanish researchers. The award ceremony will take place on World Pancreatic Cancer Day.